By the Numbers
It’s Month 2 of 2021. Let’s hope things are moving back to some normalcy for the world and our country.
Speaking of normalcy, or at least some stability, I thought I’d share some stats from our recent “ReadEx” study. For those of you who took time to do the survey, thank you. For those who may not know what the survey is, every six months we send out a survey about the magazine and the ads you see in it. We do this for two reasons:
- It provides feedback to our advertisers on how to best message to you.
- It comes with what we call a companion study allowing you to tell us what you think of the magazine.
The companion study is where the following stats come from:
- You continue to tell us new products featured in the magazine are the No. 1 thing you read, followed closely by the cover story.
- 85% of you prefer the magazine in print, while our digital version continues to grow with over 200,000 page views last year.
- 35% of you are under 40.
- 80% of you told us you use the 2-Minute Drills we produce weekly to learn about products. (If you’re not familiar with these, they are short product videos you can find on RepConnect.)
- And finally, the majority of readers spend more than an hour with the magazine each month.
So why did I start out with normalcy and stability before giving these stats? The answer is for the last 12 years, each of the above stats (with the exception of digital) have remained very positive. It’s showing us that you continue to utilize the publication in your careers.
As always, our priority is you our reader. If there is anything you would like us to work on in the future, please let us know.
Have a great selling month.
Dedicated to the industry,
R. Scott Adams