Normalcy in Sight?
As I write this Publisher’s Letter, the stock market is over 32,700. Texas and Mississippi have lifted their mask mandates. Airline stocks are on the rise, live meetings are being planned, and all is headed back to normal.
Or is it? Over the past 12 months, we’ve all done more Zoom calls than we ever thought possible. We’ve learned to sell virtually, and we’ve maintained relationships with our clients via a computer screen.
As I talk to organizations and individuals around the country, most people think virtual selling is here to stay. Let’s face it, all of us who have embraced virtual selling have become more efficient and are probably communicating as much or more with clients than ever before. So, this virtual world has its pros, especially if you use tools like video calls, selling videos, education modules, and manufacturer reps who are proficient on Zoom calls. In my opinion, virtual selling isn’t going away for the above reasons. If you haven’t embraced this fact, you really need to take a look at the reps around you that have and pick their brains on how to get good at it.
Now for a little old school Scott Adams. While this virtual selling gimmick is efficient and allows for way more communication with clients in a single day, it can never replace “RELATIONSHIPS” formed from years of face-to-face sales calls, meetings, and dinners. So, before we get too far ahead of ourselves and think technology is the only way to reach customers, let us all remember who brought us to the dance. Ride days, sales meetings, demos, favors, making our customers look great in front of those they care about the most, and most importantly showing up when they need us the most.
Yes, virtual selling is here to stay and can help us maintain existing business, but if we want long-term growth with new clients and bigger sales, we will have to get back on the face-to-face horse and start calling on accounts again. Those who can do both are the ones who will win in the days going forward.
I look forward to seeing you on a Zoom call in the future, but I really look forward to shaking your hand, looking you in the eye and having a live conversation. Stay safe out there and keep selling!!!
Dedicated to the industry,
R. Scott Adams