Comfort, barrier protection, use, versatility and cost: These are the qualities that determine the best glove solutions for your customers. More physicians are realizing that, rather than shopping on price alone, quality must be factored into the true cost of gloves. Quite simply, it’s not economical to quickly tear through a box of gloves that rip too easily.
Know your product
Whereas latex gloves were once the market leader in the healthcare market, nitrile has gained the lead in many segments in recent years. In part, this is due to the rising cost of latex gloves, which has helped reduce the price gap that once existed between the two. In addition, nitrile gloves are available in a wide range of thickness for individuals who prefer a traditional thicker glove, as well as those who prefer a thinner glove that offers increased tactile sensitivity. It is important to remember that thinner nitrile gloves provide the same barrier protection as most of their thicker counterparts.
Physicians may have particular glove preferences, depending on the needs of their practice. Distributor sales reps should offer a variety of solutions to ensure their customers get the best fit.
Nitrile Gloves
- Well-suited for use in harsh environments.
- Provide excellent barrier protection for individuals with a moderate to high risk of exposure to blood and other potentially infectious materials.
- In the case of chemo-approved gloves, are said to offer better chemical resistance compared with latex and vinyl, and are recommended for use when preparing or handling chemotherapeutic agents.
- A good alternative for caregivers who are sensitive or allergic to latex.
- Becoming increasingly more comfortable to wear.
Latex Gloves
- Provide a high level of barrier protection against blood-borne pathogens.
- Considered to be durable, flexible and offer excellent tactile sensitivity.
- Typically priced higher than vinyl and lower than nitrile gloves. However, due to the rising cost of natural rubber latex, the price gap between latex and nitrile exam gloves is narrowing.
Vinyl Gloves
- Appropriate for short-term tasks involving minimal stress on the glove and low risk of exposure to blood and other potentially infectious materials.
- Considered the most economical choice for cost-conscious customers, such as long-term-care facilities.
- Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) provides the least barrier protection compared with that of nitrile and latex. As such, vinyl gloves should not be used in high-risk or hazardous conditions when in contact with blood, or when mixing or handling chemotherapy drugs.
How to sell
It is important that distributor reps understand their customers’ needs. Asking the right questions, such as the following, can help:
- “Doctor, what gloves are you and your staff using?”
- “How long have you been using this type of glove and why did you select it?”
- “What, if anything, would you change about the gloves you use?”
- “Do your gloves meet your needs in terms of quality, comfort and allergen protection?”
- “Are you aware of new glove solutions available today?”
- “What are your goals and objectives as healthcare professionals?”
Regardless of their objectives, all caregivers do – or should – wear gloves. Providing your customers with the right fit helps ensure they will look to you to fill this need.
Editor’s note: Repertoire would like to thank Sempermed for its assistance with this article.
Latex gloves are also well known for causing rashes and irritation. Many studies have shown that more individuals have allergic reactions to latex then other types of gloves. I could see how many choose to switch to Nitrile and not only for cost. The medical field has a wide variety of jobs and medical gloves need to be adjustable to benefit each position. This wide variety of Nitrile type gloves proves that it is dominant over others.