The NDC Exhibition 2017: Power of Partnership returned in March to Nashville, Tenn., for three days of networking, insights and exhibits at the Music City Center. Attendance was up 20 percent this year, bringing together a mix of distributors, manufacturers and GPO representatives from across the country, reports NDC.
The annual meeting theme, “Power of Partnership,” made way for a new NDC marketing campaign – “Simply Powerful,” which was the sub-theme for the event. NDC believes that “Simply Powerful” captures the essence of partnering within the NDC Supply Chain network. NDC says that the strength of its network is dependent upon every single partner working together to achieve success in business through collaborative relationships.
NDC President and CEO Mark Seitz welcomed attendees during the Opening Session to kick off the exhibition. He provided a corporate update, including ways that NDC’s financial partnership with Court Square is at work to benefit all partners of NDC. With investments in strategy, technology and people, Court Square is upholding their promises and NDC’s commitments to strengthening the supply chain.
Seitz also introduced the two newest members of the NDC executive team: Mark Kline, chief sales officer, medical; and Ian Fardy, vice president, marketing. Kline and Fardy took the opportunity to share their vision for their respective departments. With new investments in many areas, NDC believes it will be able to deliver more value and to partner more effectively with its distributors and manufacturers.
Education, initiatives
From start to finish, this year’s speaker line-up delivered powerful presentations to motivate and inspire attendees, reports NDC. The educational sessions covered a variety of topics designed to deliver content that would be useful to both manufacturers and distributors.
Two panel discussions featured manufacturer representatives and spoke to the importance of collaborative efforts between distributors and manufacturers.
Linda Rouse O’Neill’s session, “IMPACT,” was of special interest to attendees looking to navigate changes to healthcare reform, reports NDC. Rouse O’Neill is vice president, government affairs, for the Health Industry Distributors Association. With more uncertainty in our industry, it is increasingly apparent how important the HIDA trade association will be to advocate and keep members updated on recent and pending developments, she said.
Another highlight of the event was the launch of NDC’s home care initiative, lead by senior executive and industry expert Doug Harper, president of NDC Home Care. Harper provided attendees with the strategy required to succeed in this dramatically expanding market.
Amazed & mystified
The Midmark Corporation sponsored Craig Karges, keynote speaker, during lunch on Monday. Karges performed mental demonstrations that exemplified the power of the focused mind. Audience volunteers who participated on stage were left equally amazed and mystified, says NDC.
New this year, NDC and exhibiting manufacturer partners hosted distributors for breakfast on the show floor. The Networking Lounge opened up new opportunities for business meetings and semi-private strategic conversations to complement the tradeshow.
Country sensation, and ACM-nominated New Male Vocalist of the Year, Chris Janson brought down the house for the closing celebration, sponsored by BD. Janson’s energy and enthusiasm mirrored the crowd and the overall spirit of NDC’s independent network.
Editor’s note: NDC Chairman and CEO Mark Seitz greeted conference attendees during the Opening Session in Nashville. From his remarks:
“Thank you for being part of the NDC Exhibition 2017: Power of Partnership. This year, we are excited to bring you back to Nashville, Tennessee. This year’s combination of hometown hospitality, distributor turnout, and manufacturer support is guaranteed to be a simply powerful experience.
“It is an exciting time to be a part of the evolution of healthcare distribution. Over the course of the next few days, we will share some of the enhancements NDC is making to deliver more value to all of our partners in the supply chain. We have made significant investments in personnel and technology at all levels of the business to improve and to strengthen our infrastructure. We look forward to having you interact with the new members of our team and learn how each of them might contribute to your success.
“We have assembled another professional educational offering consisting of an impressive lineup of presenters that will cover most aspects of your business from leadership to logistics. Among those experts is Doug Harper, an accomplished and experienced executive in the home care market. Doug’s session will present you with the strategy, products and services required to succeed in the dramatically expanding home care market.
“NDC is committed to delivering an event that meets the business needs of all attendees. Thank you to all of our sponsors, exhibiting manufacturers and distributor attendees for taking the time to attend this meeting. It is our privilege to partner with you to deliver nationally recognized brands that give you a competitive edge in today’s marketplace. Your presence is an indication that you share our commitment to make a difference in the healthcare supply chain.
“Please enjoy this community we create each year and use it to your advantage. Making a new connection can be SIMPLY accomplished, and the results can be very POWERFUL.”
2016 award winners:
- Fast Track: Circle A Medical, Inc.
- Trendsetter: Cobalt Medical Supply, Inc. & US MedSource
- Member of the Year: Cobalt Medical Supply, Inc.
- Phoenix Award: Hydrox Laboratories, Sekisui Diagnostics and ZOLL Medical
- Outstanding Vendor Direct: The Midmark Corporation
- Outstanding Vendor Warehouse: Nestlé Health Science
- Vendor of the Year: Mölnlycke Health Care