Happy New Year!
As I write this Publisher’s Letter, I am filled with optimism for 2017. The Dow is sniffing 20,000. There is a good chance the medical device tax will be completely repealed, allowing our industry to get back to doing what we do best — investing in new technologies as well the U.S. worker.
I’m also optimistic by the distribution rep survey we conducted for this issue. As a distribution rep in 2017, you’re facing bigger challenges than ever, due to consolidation and payment reform. Yet according to the survey, you would still choose your current profession. Please read through the survey results and be sure to comment on Repertoire.com if you see something you agree or disagree with.
We also have several challenges ahead of us as we learn more about MACRA and HEDIS, and the changes they will bring to care givers and suppliers. In December, I challenged you to embrace this topic because it will effect all of our customers. I still believe that to be the case.
Some think that the new administration will completely repeal the Affordable Care Act, and they may. Personally, I don’t believe that will happen, because that train has left the station and there are several components to the ACA that make a lot of sense. For example, better patient satisfaction, better outcomes, and efficiency. Hopefully those in DC can find a way to work together and simply improve it.
Over the next few issues we will feature several articles based on our 7-part MACRA series. Please look for them and take the time to read them carefully. As always, feel free to reach out to me on topics you’d like us to cover. Sadams@sharemovingmedia.com
Dedicated to the supply chain!
Scott Adams
PS: By popular demand, I retired the bow tie, hope you enjoyed it!