“All our research shows that the doctor buys the rep first, the brand second, and the product third”. It is imperative for the rep – particularly if face time is shrinking – to build trust and maintain it. This quote by John Boyens, a consultant and sales productivity expert, can be found in this month’s cover story by Mark Thill. Boyens provides 5 key things every rep needs to do to build trust and maintain it.
This year’s overriding theme in Repertoire is “Year of the Distribution Sales Rep.” This theme is driven home through the words of Mark Thill in our cover story. The amount of time given to reps is becoming more and more limited. For example, 15 years ago a doctor could see 21 patients a day and have a successful practice. In order to keep status quo today, that same doctor needs to see 30 to 40 patients.
If face time is shrinking and the trust factor is becoming more important to garner the doctor’s attention, it behooves suppliers to covet the distribution sales rep. All indications point to distribution reps continuing to play a key role in the supply chain. It also means the distribution sales rep needs to be ready to preform when they get the doctor’s time.
The sales rep, has to stay focused on his or her customer’s success. “And it has to be truly felt, not manipulative’. “We have to become providers of solutions,” says Camille Steele, profitability and equipment specialist, Henry Schein Medical. There’s one more thing implicit in the discussion, adds Steele: Successful selling today calls for different, new skills – but perhaps above all, passion. “If you’re not passionate, you won’t make it, because that’s what really keeps you going to navigate through these times.”
The best salespeople I have been around in my career understood one key to growing relationships that were full of trust. “Time” manufacturer reps don’t get to spend time with doctors regularly like a distribution rep. Time builds commitment. As the rep calling on the providers regularly and building trust through solutions, increasing their productivity, you continue to be the most valuable link in the chain. As Camille stated, be full of passion as you call on these accounts and realize the overall value you bring them as well as the manufacturers you represent.
Be sure to read the cover story this month to learn or be reminded of the keys to success when you get “Face Time” with the doctor.
Dedicated to Distribution,
R. Scott Adams
PS: Don’t for get to scan the Repertoire calendar this month with your LAYAR app