Is summer approaches, we run into a number of rituals. School gets out for the kids, and summer vacations begin to take shape for many families. After this past winter (it is over, isn’t it?) I am sure everyone is ready for the beach, or at least a respite from the cold and crazy weather we have seen.
But for many in our industry, vacation time with the family often presents a relatively new dilemma. Are you really on vacation from the office or your customers? Or are you semi-detached and check your messages or vital emails two or three times a day? Do you set aside an hour or so to take care of as much business as you can? These are increasingly tough issues as technology has become the ultimate enabler for those who wish it to be or the curse that spouses wish never appeared.
We recently surveyed our readers on this and a host of other issues related to achieving a balance between your work and personal life. The responses were varied and reflected both cultural changes and indicated the pressure that so many of you work under and through. Comments like:
“My customer always comes first so how do I not return their calls when a problem arises.”
“If I am not available to them 24/7, I am vulnerable to my competitor who claims he/she is.”
Part of the problem is that customers indeed know we are engaged electronically 24/7, and virtually always have access to email, Internet, etc. Add healthcare reform to the chaos and you have an increasing number of questions, problems, and concerns from your customers.
We will be running a series of articles based on this survey. It is an issue that faces all industries but most strikingly affects salespeople. I am not sure there is a right or wrong answer as to how to handle this dilemma. There are those that believe their customers take precedence over most other things, while there are those that have worked out understandings with customers (or bosses) that weekends and vacations are for family time. Others have picked something in-between. I am sure you will find what type of person you are or what category you most identify with. Feel free to speak up and share your thoughts, ideas, and solutions. It is an issue that is not going away, but it should be comforting to know that you are not alone out there — your peers are dealing with it as well!
Good selling and enjoy the summer!
Brian Taylor
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