Post-Election Plans
Take a deep breath, and exhale. The election is over. Half of our country is ecstatic over the results, while the other half wants to move to another country. Yet despite how divisive this election season was, I still believe we have more to be thankful for as Americans than any other country in the world.
So now we look forward to how the healthcare industry may change in the coming months and years. Regardless of the new administration, physician payment reform is going forward. The Medicare Access & CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA) will be a big part of that.
MACRA is the single largest payment reform your customers have ever faced. This fall, we introduced a 7-part educational series on the subject that several companies are using. For those of you not going through this series, please take some time to go back to the May 2016 issue of Repertoire read the cover story about MACRA.
More is on the way. During the first few months of 2017, we will write several columns getting into the components of MACRA. This content is being created to help you guide your customers through this reform. Like everything else in sales, this opportunity will suffer from the 80/20 rule. Only 20 percent will use this content as a way to set themselves apart from their competitors. This is a huge opportunity for you to be different!
If you have any questions on the series, please e-mail me directly at This series is designed for sales, marketing and customer service teams.
Happy Holidays,
Scott Adams
P.S., Congratulations to the Dukal team, celebrating the company’s 25th year anniversary!