September 10, 2020 – From the Premier Inc blog
“During the COVID-19 pandemic, rules and regulations have been in flux at all levels. Keeping track of what is allowable on a local, state and federal level has been an added challenge for health system leaders.
“As they balance normal operations along with pockets of COVID-19 surges, it will be important for providers to take a moment to debrief and audit their response efforts. This energy will be time well spent if it helps hospitals get back to regulatory readiness and prepares them for the next event – whether that be a resurgence of COVID-19 or a disaster related to the active hurricane season.
“The Joint Commission (TJC) suspended all surveying activities in response to the March 4 announcement by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) on, which noted the agency would only survey on serious patient safety allegations related to COVID-19 care. At the end of May, TJC lifted its suspension and announced it would resume surveys in June, albeit with an altered surveying process to accommodate the organization operating at 30 percent capacity through the end of the year.
“TJC stated its surveys will not retroactively review compliance during the pandemic timeframe. Instead, TJC will work to understand how providers have adapted to the pandemic and review their current practices to assure safe care and a safe environment…”