In today’s market, no rep is an island Customers are bigger and more complex than ever. Stand-alone hospitals and medical practices have given way to IDNs, with interlocking sites of care, managers, processes and cultures. Accordingly, the stand-alone sales rep of days past is giving way to a more team-oriented person, that is, someone who can work with others within his … [Read more...]
ICD-10 Cometh…
Though some healthcare stakeholders wish it wouldn’t As physicians, hospitals, skilled nursing facilities and others faced the Oct. 1 deadline to implement ICD-10 diagnosis codes, many questions remained: How difficult will the transition be? How tough will payers be in expecting correct coding? As a provider, am I going to miss claims? What will that do to cash … [Read more...]
The Equipment Salesperson
Selling equipment requires a very particular set of skills “A highly effective distributor equipment salesperson must be easily accessible, a good problem-solver, have strong communication skills, and above all else have the ability to take work off the clients’ desk,” says K.C. Meleski, national sales manager, Claflin Medical Equipment. “You have to have empathy for your … [Read more...]
Excellence in Sales
Distributor Manufacturer 2015 Todd Matthews, McKesson Medical-Surgical Nick Riordan, Welch Allyn 2014 Chuck Ryan, McKesson Medical-Surgical Nate Williams, Midmark 2012 Paul Lilly, McKesson Medical-Surgical Louis Cupo, Cardiac Science 2011 KC Meleski, Claflin Equipment Mimi Hobson, Terumo 2010 Steve Marshall, Cardinal Health Mike Paige, Med … [Read more...]
Fear the POL No More
Fear the POL No More Opportunity is available to those that walk into the lab. Molecular testing moves closer to the patient Get to ‘Yes’ on In-Office Testing Smart Screening Task Force Advocates Screening for Type 2 Diabetes Opportunities, challenges face POC testing Stand by for Change Alere BD Hitachi PTS Diagnostics Sekisui … [Read more...]
Only in America
Supply chain’s supports the red white and blue The 4th of July may be behind us, but for many in the supply chain, recognizing greatness in the United States is a year round pursuit. Some do so by promoting products made in the USA, while others work to support veterans and their families. Repertoire checked in with a few. Here are their stories. Wounded Warrior … [Read more...]
Infection Prevention
Protect your clients, and their patients, with the latest innovations Infections cause human suffering. They cost the healthcare system millions of dollars. And, in many cases, they are avoidable. This month, Repertoire reports on two infection-prevention-related issues that also have caught the public’s eye: the reprocessing of medical devices and the rise of antibiotic … [Read more...]
McKesson Medical-Surgical: Market-ready
Two years after McKesson Medical-Surgical’s acquisition of PSS World Medical, President Stanton McComb is confident about the future. The integration with PSS is almost complete; the market demand for expertise in the non-acute-care supply chain has never been greater; and the company is making plans to move into a new, state-of-the-art headquarters building in Richmond. … [Read more...]
In touch
Repertoire co-founder Brian Taylor understood that better-educated reps sell better What began as a faxed newsletter to distributor reps in 1993 grew into a company dedicated to training supplier and providers on successful supply chain strategies. Behind that newsletter – now called Repertoire magazine – was Brian Taylor, who, with Chris Kelly, founded Medical Distribution … [Read more...]
Physicians Squeezed for Time
Bringing value, aligning one’s sales approach with the physician’s objectives, are keys to overcoming diminishing face time In 2006, Chicago White Sox Manager Ozzie Guillen managed the American League All Star team. In the days and weeks prior to the game, Guillen came under attack for overlooking some talented players, including Boston pitcher Curt Schilling and Yankee Mike … [Read more...]